05-14-2015 - fixed bonus end dispatch for freecount and multipliers. 05-13-2015 - updated controls autospin bug. if open from settings change value from setting then switch tab and click autoplay, wrong spincount being shown. - fixed bonus end dispatch balance error. 05-12-2015 - bug on specific wheel anticipation. fixed CSS - adjusted canvas so that it will always be centered in the window. see canvas {} 05-11-2015 - PM - removed background as part of canvas. background will now be part of css so that it can scale based on window size. see css for integration. html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0px; overflow: hidden; background-image: url("../res/Images/MainBG.png"); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:100% 100%; } Sounds - modified 2nd parameter of playSound(id,loopCount). instead of loopCount it will now be an object. some sounds requires manipulations. see http://www.createjs.com/Docs/SoundJS/classes/Sound.html controls - linked controls popup to playBtnSounds. slotreel - minor adjustment on how to call anticipation. 05-11-2015 - setup websocket. not yet finished. - spin - added 10secs spin timeout - controls. - modified popup ui. - adjusted look for stop auto spin. moved count inside the borders of button. slotTheme - alertbox added. - use slotReel.params.reelStillSpinning to check if wheel is spinning under checkButtonStats function. - bonus - fix pick() issue. - fix endBonus() function. - Slotreel - added anticipation. push datas. same as old codes. - minor modification on functions. - see notes on subReel for functions. - anticipationFound - anticipationLosts - playWheelAnimation - manipulate anticipationTime for length. - linemap current values DC and CH Sounds - needed on html page. - use assets.playSound(id,loopCount). - id = is use in loading the sound. - how many times it will play. - check SubSoundManager. 05-06-2015 - betInfo - removed lines from baseclass and standard assets spritesheets. - see notes on subclass for sample on how to setup lines UI. - slotTheme - added a new function stopAllAnimations(); - needed a way for baseclass to stop all animations and timers when line buttons are clicked. - added a new function resumeAnimations(); - needed a way for baseclass to resume animations and timers when popups are closed. - added a new function checkButtonStats() - needed a way for baseclass to check if you want to disable or enable all buttons. - added browser detection. Needed for aligning textfields across multiple browsers. - call using this.params.browser. - Fonts. - THIS IS A TEST TO SEE IF IT CAN HANDLE FONTS - see betinfo for sample. uses css. - has issue with browsers. need to manually align. use slotTheme browser detection for fix. - i cant find a global fix that will work on all browsers alignment. do share if you find some. - BigWin - call using this.params.bigWinningType. same as from old baseclass. - create a seperate class for animating your big win. - controls - moved betinfo down a little. - more space for message. - auto spin and setting added. 04-30-2015: - symbol animation - avoid outside variables. if your having an issue targetting with this. let me know. - added coordinates x and y in play animation. - instead of playing under stage, animations will now play under a container. added to slotTheme for layering. (this.params.animatedContainer). - slottheme now accessible from AnimatedSymbols. - slotreel. - see comments for manipulating timers. - AssetManager can support generating sprite from json based on prefix searching. see SymbolController class for guide.